PDFing Home PageUpgrading to PDFing version 5
PDFing v5 will install over existing copies of PDFing v3 and PDFing v4. It will also preserve your existing configuration and license-keys. Because the "Queue" directories have been re-organized, you cannot reinstall v4 unless you first delete the \PDFing\Queue directory and all its sub-directories. Therefore, before installing v5, you should make a backup copy of both the existing \PDFing \PDFing\Queue and \PDFing\Markup directories. 
If you are running PDFing v2.1 or earlier, you must install PDFing v5 into a different directory. If you are running PDFing v2.1 as an NT Service program, you must un-install this service.Do not delete the existing PDFing directory and files until you have installed PDFing v5 and copied your existing configuration files to the PDFing v5 \Markup directory.
Please note that, if all your license-keys were issued before 8th February 2011, PDFing v5 will only work in "un-licensed" mode. Please do not proceed with installation unless you have an upgrade, or an NT Service license-key issued on or after 8th February 2011.  You should apply your Upgrade or NT Service license-key before v5 installation or as soon as the installation is complete. See http://www.pdfing.com/slicense.html which describes how the upgrade key is applied. If all your license-codes were issued before 18th February 2009,  please do not proceed with installation until have purchased a V5 upgrade license-key (300547512). You should apply the upgrade license-key before v5 installation or as soon as the installation is complete.

Before you install PDFing version 5, you must first stop PDFing. If you are running PDFing as an NT Service program, then you must use the windows administrative tools applet: "Services" to stop the PDFingMailer service.

Before you install PDFing version 5 over an existing v4 installation, please note the directory in which your existing copy of PDFing is installed. When you run the "windows installer file" PDFing5setup.msi and the "Select Installation Folder" dialog appears, select the name of the previous installation directory, as noted above. Providing that you install PDFing v4 into this same directory then you will not need to re-configure PDFing. If you install version 4 into a different directory, then you should follow the steps listed in the following section.

In some circumstances, the "windows installer" will ask if you want to remove the existing copy of PDFing. If so, you should select the remove option, you will then be prompted to remove the configuration and queue directories. When prompted, you should not enter Y or y, unless you are sure that you will not be re-installing PDFing, or you have a backup of your existing \PDFing\Markup directory. After you have removed the existing copy of PDFing v4, run PDFing5setup.msi again.

If you installed PDFing version 5 into a different directory and you have saved your existing configuration files, you should run PDFing, select menu-option [File|Markup] to display the file-open dialog-box, select files of type - all files, then take the following steps:

If you installed version 5 into a different directory, and you were running PDFing as an NT Service program, you must un-install the previous version and then install the existing NT service program for PDFing.

You may also need to change the target and start-in values of shortcuts on the desktop or start menu that were not created by the PDFing windows installer file.

This document ©Jane Hearn 2013.